
Dear yogis,

We are a small Ashtanga yoga studio with daily Ashtanga yoga lessons conducted by qualified teachers.
We run the yoga studio as a registered association.


We offer Ashtanga yoga - for beginners and advanced students - every day in our shala. You can find the current timetable here.



Two workshops with great teachers will take place in fall/winter 2024:
From October 24th to 27th, Lukas Carvalho will offer a workshop in the Shala.
Petri Räisänen will be a guest at the Shala from December 13th to 16th.
Two wonderful teachers...

In March 2025, Christina will be offering a spiritual journey with yoga & philosophy together with Lakshmisha Bhat and Simona Nucera. An exciting journey...

You can find more information here.


Getting to know Ashtanga Yoga is possible at any time. Only the Full Primary Led Class on the first Saturday of every month is not suitable for beginners.

Beginners workshop
Ashtanga yoga beginners workshops take place regularly. They are a practical introduction to Ashtanga Yoga; especially in the Mysore style. The traditional Mysore style is characterized by learning and practicing at your own pace and level. The workshop essentially involves practicing the sun salutations, the standing positions and parts of the final sequence. The individual asanas (exercises) can be modified individually if necessary, so that they provide a good basis for independent yoga practice. The workshop is a gentle introduction to Ashtanga Yoga and a good basis for taking part in the beginners' courses.


Our shala can also be rented: For one-off courses, permanent courses, ... please contact us:

Best regards

Your board team | Tanja, Gabi, Anja, Sylvain, Johannes



In the tradition of the Ashtanga Yoga method practitioners are supposed to take a rest on full and new moon days due to the higher risk of injury on such days . This is why the Ashtanga yoga shala will stay closed for mysore stlye classes on the following days: 

Moondays 2024

Donnerstag, 11.
Donnerstag, 25.

Freitag, 9.
Samstag, 24.

Sonntag, 10.
Montag, 25.

Montag, 8.
Mittwoch, 24.

Mittwoch, 8.
Donnerstag, 23.

Donnerstag, 6.
Samstag, 22.

Freitag, 5.
Sonntag, 21.

Sonntag, 4.
Montag, 19.

Dienstag, 3.
Mittwoch, 18.

Mittwoch, 2.
Donnerstag, 17.

Freitag, 1.
Freitag, 15.

Sonntag, 1.
Sonntag, 15.
Montag, 30.